In tough times we all need to cut back on frivolous expenditures. And no expenditures are more frivolous than the ones listed in New York's annual "Best of New York" issue. Except this year!

As we all know, New York Magazine is particularly ill-equipped to navigate this terrible new depression. But the Best of New York must go on! Still, you may notice a bit of a difference in good and services deemed "best". We'll let editor Jon Steinberg explain, in an email he sent earlier today:

Think about the most fun you've had this year and where you had it. Think about the hardware delivery service that brought you a coaxial cable in the middle of the night when you were hooking up your new flat-screen. Think about the people and services who saved you a ton of money on your apartment/car/birthday party/speaker system/vacation. It's okay to have some expensive stuff in the mix, but it has to be proven as amortizable; ie, that $3,000 mattress that is not only super-comfortable but will last you at least 30 years. Be creative!

Yes, and nothing says "creative" like spinning a $3,000 mattress as somehow economical in any way! What sort of amortizable purchases should you submit?

  • $1,000 hoodie with two front pockets for storing coupons.
  • $500 haircut that you could photograph and ask a cheaper stylist to recreate, in the future.
  • Expensive baby crap you could use on a second child maybe?
  • $300 chair that you could burn for heat, should it come to that.

Get your suggestions in by next Wednesday, freelancers!