· TV is readying itself for the inauguration orgy, beginning Sunday and not stopping until 20 cable news cameras are trained on a White House bed for the inaugural Taking of the First Lady. [Variety]

· Your pilot-order round-up: Fox is close to ordering schizophrenic-heart-surgeon drama Maggie Hill and DC comic adaptation Human Target, and CBS ordered sitcom Tick Tock, about "a single mom in her 30s who decides to focus all of her energy on finding love." The title doesn't refer to her biological clock, but rather the homemade explosive device she's strapped to her abdomen and threatens to detonate if none of the men in a local food court offer to take her out on a date. [THR]
· Columbia won a bidding war for the rights to Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy, with 2012 director Roland Emmerich on board to develop the science fiction classic into a gripping movie about exploding planets and the modelly-looking cavepeople who must escape them to survive. [Variety]
· No surprises: In addition to yesterday's news that Heroes looked safe, and Lipstick Jungle wasn't necessarily sleeping with the fishes, NBC announced 30 Rock, The Office, and The Biggest Loser are all secure for another season at least. Yay! That means a Biggest Loser: Owners and Pets Edition is still a possibility. [THR]
· Andrew Lloyd Webber is in talks to adapt his catalog of musicals into videogames, adding dimensions of excitement and interactivity to titles like Aspects of Love for the Xbox 360. [Variety]