With tourists flooding into DC for next week's inauguration of Barack Obama, thousands of people are expected to skip out on work. Thousands of black people.

According to this amazing Associated Press piece, the nation's lazy, lazy black people seem to think the Inauguration is a holiday, for them. The idea of white people (or maybe Asians?) also skipping work to go to the Inaugural, or even to stay home and watch it on TV and get wasted, isn't mentioned. Here are just some random forehead-slapping excerpts:

  • "People across the country may notice the absence of their black colleagues and classmates on Inauguration Day, as many who won't be traveling to Washington gather at homes, restaurants and churches, huddle around TVs and watch the historic swearing in from afar."
  • "...many black Americans deem the day as something of a holiday requiring cultural solidarity, much like the Million Man March or the first King holiday in 1986. Then as now, many black people felt compelled to miss work, said Mark Anthony Neal, a professor of black popular culture at Duke University."
  • "It recalls the 1965 theatrical classic 'Day of Absence,' a one-act satire by black playwright Douglas Turner Ward that ponders events in a fictitious Southern town when all of the black people suddenly go missing."
  • Organizations like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, headquartered in Baltimore will stay open, though employees will likely pause to watch the events.

This is just like the day after the Super Bowl, when all of White America takes the day off.

Anyway, employers, if any white people try to call in sick next Tuesday you are free to fire them, because they have absolutely no legitimiate reason to want to go to that shithole Washington and participate in Black President Day.