Fox's new midseason entry Lie to Me may have Tim Roth toplining, but its thunder has been stolen by the similar premise of breakout hit The Mentalist. Now, Lie actors are dubbing Mentalist "a scam."

Similar crime procedurals, who ever would have thought? THR's James Hibberd says sparks flew at TCA after the inevitable attempt by the press to compare the two shows:

"Go at it boys," says Tim Roth.

"The difference between the two shows is that our show is based on actual science, while 'Mentalist' is, I think, more of a scam," says actor Brendan Hines. "Our show is based on the most cutting-edge research used by TCA and NSA. What you see on the show is based on real science and techniques that are simple and that people can bring to life." [...]

More superficially, Tim Roth kept his British accent — unlike transplanted Brits such Hugh Laurie.

And quite unlike Australian Simon Baker, whose native accent was tamped down lest a besotted Barbara Walters hurl herself at the TV screen. Still, familiarity has never hurt this genre before, so why should it now? There's room enough for both shows, plus Fox's own reality spin, Moment of Truth—in fact, we eagerly await the upcoming plotlines that find Baker and Roth obsessed with examining the validity of men's stuffed crotches.