Party Priest Hits Palm Beach, Continues to Party

Party priest and American hero Gregory Malia was defrocked for being too cool for church, but his partying don't stop yall! He's made his way to Palm Beach, where champagne supplies are in danger:
This South Florida site reports that Malia fled the northeast when tabloids started being all on his jock, and landed in Palm Beach. Where he checked into an expensive hotel accompanied by his "favorite waitress" from NYC [Note: Not the Pink Elephant waitresses shown in the photo at right]. And partied!
“He had a little church button on his collar,” said club promoter Josh Sagman. “He was very concerned that there’d be press photographers at the club.”
First, Sagman said, the man of the cloth ordered a magnum of Perrier Jouet rose for a mere $1,500. Since the waitresses were extra nice, he bought for their own consumption one smaller bottle of “P.J.” plus four bottles of Dom Perignon (the beverage named after a Benedictine monk), at 400 bucks a piece...
“We asked for ID just to make sure we’d get paid,” Sagman said. “He produced a drivers license and a concealed weapons permit.”
You know Father Gregory Malia don't give a fuck it's not your birthday. [Page2Live]