It's pretty amazing that the daughter of slain Pakistani premier Benazir Bhutto recorded and uploaded to YouTube a rap song about her mom, in English. Also amazing: The harsh reviews.

Canada's National Post was quite mean:

But can her daughter, a student at Edinburgh University in Scotland, rap? Well, not really. Her lyrics are so on the nose as to be polemic and the beat, which she apparently made herself, is a simple hand clap, piano loop and cymbal crash with a sped-up soul hook chorus that sounds like 2002 Kanye West....

This makes "Yes We Can" by sound like Radiohead.

Snap! That'll teach Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari to try and sell subpar rap music for her own self-aggrandizement! Or, uh, give away a heartfelt song, for free, to honor her mom.

UK Telegraph: "Dirgelike.... unlikely to secure... a Grammy." Vanity Fair: "Highly unlikely to win any awards." NewTeeVee: "Heavily produced and stylized."


To be fair, those last three (especially the last two) also had some positive things to say. In fact, VF said Bakhtawar's video as superior to Puff Daddy's tribute to Notorious B. I. G. Faint praise, but not bad for an 18-year-old!

[via NewTeeVee]