W. co-stars Josh Brolin and Jeffrey Wright were cleared today of charges they interfered with a crew member's arrest last summer in Shreveport. Violent, taserific new footage defies you to disagree.

Brolin and Wright spent minimal time in jail for their part in the July 12 fracas outside Shreveport's Stray Cat Bar, where the W. gang had gathered for the film's wrap party. We think the accompanying video — showing Brolin in a cuffed, post-pepper-spray shock while a helpless Wright is tasered prodigiously in the street — suggests Brolin may have been on to something when he pledged to fight the cops whom he alleged "immediately resorted to violence" that night.

Bonus points to the unflinching camerawoman who recorded the scene, apparently submitting the footage to a bit of Ted Turner-grade colorization before its release today. If she happened to get any of last night's Brolin-on-Penn action on the record, we'd love to see it.