Last night, Jeremy Piven sent a very late text message to Sherri Shepherd—and for once, it didn't say "Come to my room - whoever responds first gets me for the night."

Shepherd got the ball rolling yesterday when she recounted on The View her embarrassed realization that the chapeau-clad pygmy her son had been annoying on a flight was none other than Piven himself. In response, Piven woke Shepherd up last night with a very late text message (enjoy an exhausted Barbara Walters as she then tries to explain time zone differences to a stymied panel) where he apologizes for not having recognized the View hostess. We'd have thought her confused request to the pilot—"Are there invisible angels holding this plane in the air?"—would be a tip-off. However, we're still wondering: Does Piven possess the cell phone number of every View host, or just Shepherd's? The idea of Piven stumbling out of Jones at 2am and sending a drunk text to Elisabeth Hasselbeck ("UR AYERS RANT MADE ME POP 1 TODAY") is almost as delicious as a plate of good sashimi.