Last night, VH1 finally aired the Charm School reunion show where Sharon Osbourne and contestant Megan Hauserman got into a fight so epic, it sent Hauserman to the hospital (and to the LAPD).

In the series, Osbourne aims to reform the Rock of Love rejects whose attitudes, drawn-on eyebrows and hastily purchased breast implants could use a little mentoring. However, Osbourne's somewhat less-than-polite expulsion of Hauserman in episode four ("Yeah, you changed your clothes today, but Megan, in here you're still a bitch... a real fucking bitch") engendered hard feelings between the two that lasted until the reunion show, where a simple, drunken anecdote about Hauserman's spayed Chihuahua led to a massive battle royale. Still, even though Osbourne appeared to instigate and escalate the fight, audience sentiment stayed on her side; we're only sorry that VH1 cut away before the other, Hauserman-hating Charm School contestants could climb atop their desks in wobbly six-inch heels, crying, "O Captain! My Captain!"