As Jimmy Fallon hones his chops in a digital broom closet at, he can take comfort in knowing at least one influential tastemaker is behind his late show efforts one hundred percent:

That would be NY Times TV critic Virginia Heffernan, who totally friended Late Night with Jimmy Fallon's Facebook page, then posted this to the show's Wall:

Please don't think the idea of "social media space" is so boring that you never look at this page again! The show's going to be great. Your Facebook fan and friend, Virginia

We'll leave the issue of whether or not fawning Facebook testimonials present a conflict of interest to the media-ethics-watchdog-types always hounding us for donations outside Johnny Rockets. Instead, let's just rejoice that Fallon has finally found in Heffernan a vocal champion to offset any ego-bruising incurred during the "Jimmy is a douchebag who doesn't deserve this job" incident. We look forward to her review of the Late Night premiere, in which she'll write of how the host holds "a magnetic spell over his audience, every sheepish smile and mischievous glance acting like a pleasurable poke in the ribs that you're instantly compelled to return."