The City wasn't the only dreadful reality show to premiere last night. There was also Bromance, the Brody Jenner show in which he searches for the platonic man love of his life.

Dudes compete to become Brody's (playboy son of athlete Bruce Jenner) new wingman. That's the premise. It is, as you'd imagine, a tremendous disaster. All nastily trip-wired homoeroticism (there was even one lone token gay guy that they trotted out and embarrassed; he sent himself home at the end of the episode) muddled with frat boy misogyny and the sad clawing sound of lives headed full tilt toward absolute nothingness. You can, if you dare, watch the clip above. In which the two cockiest of the bunch, a fellow named Femi and a foppish banana who apparently enjoys golfing, epically fail their first challenge, which was to get two hot girls to come to a Frederick's of Hollywood lingerie party. The guy who brought the hottest chicks won. Urrghhhh.

Haven't they already tried to sell us this same exact crew of buffoons? With The Princes of Malibu and Twentyfourseven? And didn't our collective shoulder shrug and channel change speak volumes about how little we care? I guess not.