Something about this time of year really brings out the do-gooder in all of us. Take for example David Spade, who reached deep into his man-purse and pulled out $100,000 worth of new police rifles!

The lucky recipients are the Phoenix Police Department, whose fine men and women patrol the streets of the Rules of Engagement star's hometown. A press release explains why:

Asking there be no fanfare or media attention, Mr. Spade called last week and said he wanted to donate $100,000.00 to the Phoenix Police Department towards the purchase of rifles to help keep our patrol officers and community safe.

At 9:30 A.M., Mr. Spade stopped by the Phoenix Police Department's Desert Horizon Precinct and gave a check to Chief Harris made out to the Phoenix Police Foundation, a 501C3 status charitable organization led by long time foundation board president Marc Cavness, a local prominent attorney. The foundation will direct the full amount towards the purchase of the rifles.

It's certainly a nice gesture, conjuring the image of delighted rookie recruits lingering 'round the station house Christmas tree, lifting each of the dozens of individually wrapped, rifle-shaped packages piled beneath it to their ears and shaking them vigorously, as Chief Harris admonishes lovingly that they'll "just have to wait until the 25th to find out what Spade-y Claus brought you all this year!"