China has apparently blocked access to, now that the Olympics are over and the government doesn't even have to pretend to be mildly less restrictive anymore.

What is great about China is that it is The County of the 21st Century in so many ways. It is a repressive capitalist dictatorship, because the Western world decided that once it convinced the People's Republic to free their markets, all the other necessary freedoms would follow. And it worked! Now we have a massive cheap workforce polluting like never before, tainting toys and emitting carbon dioxide just like a 19th century industrial powerhouse, owning all our debt, and still locking up dissenters like a proper Stalinist nation.

Anyways no one is sure why the Chinese government suddenly decided to block people from reading the Times, but observers speculate that it may have something to do with Bill Kristol.

This is really terrible news for the Times because now they're gonna lose all that advertising aimed at the "schoolteacher in a work camp" audience. Bankruptcy!