We all know that the LA Times is a dim shadow of a once-great paper owned by a bankrupt company. But now they may want to fire, basically, every non-local reporter. Problematic!

"At yesterday's discussion of Tribune's bankruptcy and other journalism cuts at USC, L.A. Times editor Russ Stanton was asked by one of his staffers about the latest newsroom gossip that the Times was considering getting rid of its national and foreign bureaus. (The most live rumor is that the Washington Post has offered to provide foreign and national coverage, and Tribune is listening.) Stanton is reported to have replied, 'You can assume ... everything and anything is being looked at.'"

Think about this: The LA Times, which only a decade ago was all hot to challenge the NYT as the greatest paper in America, may now fire its National and Foreign bureaus, entirely.

Those are important bureaus.

If this happens that LA Times will be no different from the Staten Island Advance, so, nuff said. And in terms of journalism pride, the LAT taking all that copy from the Washington Post would be kind of the equivalent of the LAT editor putting on a ball gag and letting the Post editor penetrate him with a strap-on as long as he wishes, and then asking for more, and also paying for the privilege. (But not really being into that sort of thing, deep down). [LAO; pic via]