Though Anne Hathaway offers herself up as a drinking buddy for the low price of $12,000, you can retain her services as a wedding hero for free — at least, if you're her gay brother.

Hathaway sat down with Modern Bride to promote the dreaded, nearly-upon-us comedy Bride Wars, and when asked to recall her favorite wedding, she cited her older brother Mike's (that's him with Hathaway on the left). As beautiful as she says the ceremony was, things almost didn't go as planned until Hathaway and company took charge:

"When Mike and Josh booked the place, it was before daylight savings time, and the sun was pretty high up in the sky," she continues. "Now it was at eye level, and it was blinding! Burn-your-retina bright!

"We sent my cousin's boyfriend down to Canal Street [in New York City] with $250 to buy as many sunglasses as he could, and we put them on every other seat. Everybody just put on their sunglasses, and we have some great pictures of that!" she says. "It's all about crisis management, isn't it?"

Sadly, Hathaway's quick thinking doomed a secret scheme set up by her then-boyfriend Raffaello Follieri, who had conferred with the Pope to set the sun just so, all the better to abscond with the blinded crowd's wallets, purses, and carb-free slices of gay wedding cake.