Though Michael Cera has voiced skepticism about the Arrested Development movie, at least there are still some more original cast members willing to board the stair car.

The latest is Tony Hale, who played Buster. Delicious! Here's what he had to say to Paste (not as delicious) about the subject:

"Pretty much, we’re all willing to do it," he says. "I think it’s a matter of everybody’s schedule just being crazy. After the show, everybody did their own thing. We all had babies. So it’s just tough to pull everybody’s schedule together. And it’s also a matter of the budget and what they can do it for. I’d love for it to happen because I’d love to get together with everybody and just play and have a great time. There are a lot of other factors involved, but it seems like everybody’s excited about it."

That leaves Will Arnett, Portia DeRossi and Alia Shawkat left to confirm, and gives Cera a month to revise his opinion before he begins his Sundance press tour. Careful there, Superbad... we have a feeling that if you stick to your guns, there may be a one-armed man waiting in Park City to teach you a lesson.