Someone stole $6 from MSNBC's Mika Brzezinkski, outside her fancy Washington DC hotel. It was such a terrible mugging that Joe Scarborough complained about it, to the mayor, on the TV!

Details are scarce, but we know the mugger approached Mika outside her hotel and asked for $20, as muggers usually do, but Mika only had $6, so she gave him the six and he left. Mika, this was not a mugging. This was an over-aggressive beggar.

Muggers usually don't ask for a set dollar amount, first, and second, a proper mugging involves weaponry and maybe a blow to the head or two.

Joe Scarborough came to her rescue, of course, and blasted the mayor, Adrian Fenty, for allowing a mildly stressful incident to happen to a pretty white television personality, in his city. Fenty, to the best of our knowlegdge, neglected to try to explain to either of them what an actual "mugging" usually entails.