Matthew Barney Facebook Divorces Bjork

The most precious (and probably sticky) art relationship of our generation is over! Matthew Barney is no longer listed as in a relationship (according to a Facebook page that might be his).
Cremaster Cycle art-hack-genius-guy Matthew Barney has been dating the determinedly eccentric Icelandic songstress Bjork since 2001, and they certainly seemed like a wonderful couple, what with their both being wacky and obsessed with the beauty of the grotesque (and vice versa). Also they're pretty people. And they have a baby! Little Isadora was born in 2002, and she'll probably grow up to be an accountant or something, right? (If there is any money left when she grows up!)
Anyway, as you can see, Barney is listed as single, now, on his Facebook page, and it is his real Facebook page, according to some guy, who sent it to us. (Though you can't be too careful these days, on this Internet.) It's a sad day for everyone, besides people wishing to hook up with Matthew Barney or Bjork.