Pellicano's Angels: Wiretapper's Daughters Get A Reality Show!

As Anthony Pellicano awaits his December 12 sentencing, the loved ones left behind are coping in the best way they know how: By shopping a Keeping Up with the Pellicanos reality show around town.
Titled The Pellicano Girls, the show would revolve around Pellicano matriarch Kat and the couple's three daughters—Alana, 21; Tori, 18; and Josi, 17. A good portion of the action is devoted to Kat's daily struggles trying to maintain the lifestyle they've enjoyed as a result of her husband's successful business dealings as Hollywood's #1 goldigging-whore-silencer to the stars. But were that all, for the three comely girls (we'll assume they're comely—they don't make reality shows about three sisters unless there's at least one Kim in the bunch) are also hot on the trail of their father's open cases:
But the backbone of "The Pellicano Girls" will be their attempts to run a private investigation company with Anthony in jail. The producers call it a mix between "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" and "Charlie's Angels" — with Anthony Pellicano in the Charlie role, Kat Pellicano a modern-day Bosley and the daughters as the Angels.
Following that logic, we anticipate that Pellicano Angel Josi—the Jill Munroe of the bunch—will be the first to enjoy breakout success and move on to a moderately successful movie career. That will require her to be replaced with another Pellicano sister we've never heard mention of until her exciting debut, in which she's instructed by her dad to "go make sure Anita Busch never talks again. I don't care how you do it, Kris Pellicano, just get 'er did."