The fake-trailer aesthetic harnessed so exquisitely in Tropic Thunder has been revived for Terminator Salvation, whose new teaser isn't a preview of an action film as much as it's bombastic, uncanny self-parody.

It primes you for a movie about Christian Bale yet again playing the world's most tortured action hero. Don't take our word for it, though: About halfway through, if you listen closely, you'll hear director McG behind the camera saying, "A little more brooding, a little more broo— Great, Christian. Let's do it again. How about a little more froggy voice? Think Batman, but, like, intelligible." The only thing missing is a sweeping, Tugg Speedman-style shot of Bale against the ravaged wasteland backdrop, a savior-panda strapped to his chest, a shotgun in his hand, muttering, "Maid's day off?" Next time!