· Jay Leno explained a bit more about his new primetime show's format: "It won't be necessarily comedy, Kevin Eubanks fake-laughing, comedy, more Kevin Eubanks fake-laughing, first guest, Kevin, second guest, Kevin, music." He went on to explain that he plans on mixing up the parts in the broadcast where he cuts to his band-leader's infectious fake laughter. [THR]
· Sony announced from Tokyo that it would make $1.1 billion in cuts and lay off 16,000 members of its workforce, but miraculously, none of them will affect Sony's movie, gaming and music divisions. [Variety]
· Jennifer Anison and Gerard Butler will star in a romantic comedy for Columbia, about a bounty hunter who has to retrieve his ex-wife for skipping bail. A rep for Aniston said the actress is "just amazed Angelina would have said those things in the press. Who does she think she is? Does it get any less cool?" [Variety]
· SAG's Monday night powwow was just the shot in the arm Alan Rosenberg's self-esteem needed. It was like strike-support Viagra! Any disgruntled thespian takers? He can go all night! [Variety]
· The Sex Drive team of Sean Anders and John Morris are in final negotiations to write and direct Hot Tub Time Machine, the most ribald comedy to use Red Bull as a major plot point since Yes Man. [THR]