John Krasinski is a true renaissance man: in addition to his work on The Office, he can count a Sundance directorial debut and a facility for Muppet arms to his credit. Still, one thing that may need a little more work is his incipient singing career, which he humbly debuted this past weekend in Los Angeles.

Taking part in Aimee Mann's annual, guest star-studded Christmas show at the Wiltern, Krasinski joined the chanteuse for a self-effacing round of "Winter Wonderland." His throaty duet gave hope to all those karaoke singers in the audience that the only that thing separated them from an onstage performance with Mann was the simple matter of television fame and fortune. Still, we did detect a bit of chemistry between John and Aimee, and was that an aborted, awkward hug we saw in the works at one point? Careful, John — Michael Penn's in the warehouse, and he's ready to thrown down.