How long does it take to snow a Paris Harry Winstons jewellry store for everything they've got—$102 mil worth of jewels, to be precise? Less than twenty minutes, if you're good. And dressed as women (wait, is this just the filming of a new Borat?) "The raid at 5.30pm on Thursday was the largest ever gems theft in French history and one of the most lucrative armed holds-ups ever in the world," reported the Daily Mail. Harry Winston lends jewels to all the Hollywood stars, so their bling might be looking a little bereft come Oscar-time.

These thieves—thought to be speaking Serbo-Croat—beat the hell out of an unrelated, half-assed attempt back in November when a robber's attempt to steal from the Waldof Astoria's jewellry store in New York ended in an epic fail of gunshots and getting tackled. The Serbo-Croat crossdressers didn't have to fire their sawed-off shotguns once.