End of Days Day continues here at Defamer with a proud e-alert belched from the bowels of the Fox network's Century City headquarters, informing what's left of the world that cartoon kingpin and deeply closeted spray-on hand-tanner Seth MacFarlane has been named EW's Smugest Smartest Person in TV. Fox couldn't be prouder of the money he makes for them, according to their press release:

The top slot goes to Seth MacFarlane, who earns the $100 million that FOX is paying him to keep Family Guy and American Dad on Sundays through 2012, especially when you consider that Family Guy DVDs and merchandise have pulled in a reported $1 billion for 20th Century Fox.

Did they mention he also just came off a Writers Guild East benefit headlining at Carnegie Hall? Yes—the Carnegie Hall, the one you need to practice, practice, practice to get to, in which he and Family Guy's Alex Boorstein performed 26 songs—one for each letter of the alphabet—in a review they called "listening to a retard's iPod." U was for Diana Ross's "Upside Down," as interpreted by Marlee Matlin. The world couldn't be ending a second sooner. [AP]