Details about how, exactly, Earth-vaporizing tidal-wave illusionist Roland Emmerich plans on ushering in his latest CGI end of days in 2012—and what hand John Cusack plays in the proceedings—have remained under tight wraps since the project was first announced. His co-star Amanda Peet was cornered recently by MTV for more details, and she warned Angelenos to batten down the hatches:

“There are some things that happen in Los Angeles, crazy stuff,” Amanda Peet told MTV News of her favorite scenes from 2012.

“[My character and John Cusack’s character] see it from a plane. We get off the ground and we escape in an airplane and some of the stuff that [Roland] shows us is incredible and really frightening.”

Really? Like what?? Unfortunately, everything beyond that is kept extremely vague—forcing our imaginations to run wild as we picture the short-circuiting of a Stoli Blueberry-dispensing volcano at a local twinks-only gay pride event. Only Milk screenwriter Dustin Lance Black (Cusack) and his agent (Peet) survive by piloting Bryan Singer's private WeHo-to-Mulholland air shuttle to higher ground, as the jets of molten, flavor-infused cocktail beneath them incinerate everything in their path.