• Christopher Buckley is writing a tell-all book about his parents William F. and Pat Buckley. "This book is going to land hard in some quarters," he said. Not unlike endorsing Barack Obama. [P6]
  • Alex Rodriguez and Madonna aren't even pretending it's just a coincidence they were in Mexico City at the same time. [AP]
  • The Brits are very disillusioned the Britney Spears sullied the good name of televised music competition by lip-syncing on X Factor. [Daily Mail]
  • Sean Penn doesn't want to be cast in gay kissing scenes when he could be cast in full-on gay sex scenes. [P6]
  • No record labels signed up to buy Paris Hilton's second album, but that didn't stop her from recording it. [Scoop]
  • Peaches Geldof's husband: "I'm bored of all this." [Sun]
  • Amy Winehouse's husband feels bad about turning her into a junkie. [National Enquirer]