Happy Black Friday, everyone! We trust your yam-holes were well and truly stuffed yesterday, and today you partook of the wonderful sales being offered by retailers across the nation, without trampling any employees to death or causing miscarriages. While we've spent the last few days far away from a TV set, we understand NBC's Thanksgiving eve offering of Rosie Live—wherein Rosie O'Donnell attempted to revive the variety format by inviting some of her closest friends onto a Broadway stage to trade jokes, sing songs, and have a slice of a delicious roasted turkey dressed up in a dowdy pantsuit and wig to look like Barbara Walters—tanked in a major way. THR reports "a mere 5 million viewers tuned in...[matching] ABC's recently canceled Pushing Daisies as the night's lowest-rated program on a major broadcast network." Drudge Report linked that report, thereby summoning a geiser of profane anti-Rosie invective of the "LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER" variety in the comments. Then again, the critics actually paid to sit through it weren't much kinder, with the LAT wondering "what was she thinking?" and TV Guide calling it "dead on arrival...a ghastly ego trip." In case you missed it—and you probably did!—we've collected some lowlights after the jump, each excruciating in its own, special way. Enjoy!