The Best (?) Of The Sex Tape Turkey Puns

Yesterday when we posted the infamous ad agency sex tape, our video department thoughtfully censored the clip by superimposing a Thanksgiving turkey over the center of the action. This led to a smorgasboard (HEH) of Thanksgiving-themed jokes in the comments. So in honor of our peerless commenters, and because it's the afternoon before Thanksgiving, we're posting the best (?) below. Vote in the comments for the one that makes you groan the least:
I'll have the drumstick. Turkey baster. Plenty of white meat to go around, I see. Mmmmm, Tur-Fuckin'! Stuffing? Mmmmm, missionary meat (Un)dressing, more like. Right after I roast the chestnuts. Cram-berries. That ain't giblet gravy. Don't get those hot nuts in your cherry pie! Butter.Ball. He's mashing his sweet potato. Oh, good. Remember to give it a good soaking overnight so that it cooks up all juicy and tender. It tastes best when juicy and tender. When slicing, apply the slightest downward then lateral thrust; the juices should help facilitate a nice, fluid motion. Repeat as needed, or until you've messed your apron. You just have to be careful of rack burns when you're sliding the turkey out of the hot oven. "Turkey grundle" is the term of the day. I think he just had his yams candied. No fighting over that wishbone...