Adults don't have Sesame Street, they just have Suze Orman and James Cramer and other financial wizards to turn to for life advice. We're forced to look in other places for common-sense tips during tough economic times, like magazines, prositutes, and of course sitcoms. The most recent episode of The Office presented an instructive example: Dunder Mifflin salesman Jim Halpert bought a house for his new bride-to-be Pam Beasley. Did he make the right call in investing in the Scranton real estate market, and what did he probably pay to make his parents' former residence stay in the Halpert family? Plus, deleted scenes from this week's episode.Fresh off the disappointment of not being able to learn Flash, let alone PHP or Drupal, Scranton's Pam Beasley passively aggressively expressed her general displeasure with life by writing a mean note from "Disappointed" to whoever left a disgusting mess in the microwave. We feel for you, Pam. Jim couldn't sense Pam's unhappiness. He was more worried about how she'd react to the awesome big decision he made without ever telling his partner. Males not named Tony Soprano would risk having their balls severed for the gesture, but in this moving clip Jenna Fischer was totally walled off, implying either a subtle shout-out to Monica Bellucci's famous scene in Irreversible, or that she just can't act: Click to view

We talked to a trusted real estate advisor about Jam's new property. He priced the house at around $125,000, while noting it could go for less given the market. Although an earlier scene revealed that the house wasn't in the nicest of neighborhoods, the block looked like it had been kept up. "The exterior is pleasant enough," said our expert. He also noted the tiny windows in the bedroom, the remnants of a particular home-building trend that now looks severely outdated. It's not the most beautiful house in the free world, but that's not the point. "Land is never a bad investment," noted our expert as he described the good sense Jim Halpert had in living many years without anything in the way of expenses or dependents other than dinners with Rashida Jones at TGIFriday's. And hey, Jim's right, the garage gets a lot of light and will make a great studio. Really, Pam should have been jumping for joy. The only thing most people can be sure of getting this Christmas season is the stomach flu. In the first of two deleted scenes, Pam tells the truth: Click to view In the second, Michael tries to finger other members of the office for his malfeasance: Click to view