Canadian British Lord and newspaper magnate and stupid criminal Conrad Black is currently serving 78 months in federal prison for mail fraud and obstruction of justice. Black was an old friend of William F. Buckley and Henry Kissinger (before they stabbed him in his wrongfully convicted back) so obviously he's in with the right crowd. This is why he seems to think he's going to get a pardon! And he'd like his old newspaper company to maybe pay for it.

Lawyers for the deposed press baron, who is serving a 6½-year prison sentence in Florida for fraud and obstruction of justice, recently submitted legal bills to Sun-Times Media Group, Inc., some of which referred to work done in pursuit of a clemency plea, according to sources familiar with the matter. The sources said the company is balking at shouldering the payments, even though it has been forced by the courts to pay $117-million (U.S.) on the defence of Lord Black and other former company officials. "We try to draw the line at outrageous things, and this is sort of one of them," said one person close to the company, once a sprawling Chicago-based newspaper empire known as Hollinger International Inc.

Isn't it great that they merely try to draw the line at outrageous things? It's that kind of discipline that could've kept Lord Black out of jail. Anyway Bush probably won't pardon him because he's not even from Texas and he didn't go to prison for carrying out the President's illegal policies or even really doing anything directly in support of the Republican Party.