Now That You've Been Laid-Off, What Will Your New Job Be?

Everyone's getting laid-off these days, what with the economy and all, and now we want to know what you'll be doing for money while the dust settles. There aren't any media jobs left and desperate times call for desperate measures. Depressing stories have already been trickling in, like the two longtime Jersey Star-Ledger newsroom employees who, after refusing a buyout, were banished to the mailroom! Or the Longmont, CO, Times Call staff who were invited to be valet parking attendants for their (probably soon-to-be ex) boss's fancy Christmas party. And, perhaps worst, a Hachette memo to staff inviting them to participate in the saddest thing of all, a holiday crafts fair. You know, so they can practice a trade before they inevitably get canned! "You will have the opportunity to show or sell your craft such as jewelry, accessories, chocolates, knitting and crocheting," it says. Sigh. Send us your post-axing, new job tales (depressing or not!) and we'll publish some of our favorites in the coming dark days. In the meantime, read the full dismaying Hachette memo after the jump.
Are you one of the many talented HFM craftspeople waiting for a chance to showcase your artistry? Be discovered! At the HFM Holiday Craft Fair, you will have the opportunity to show or sell your craft such as jewelry, accessories, chocolates, knitting and crocheting. The Craft Fair will be held in the 42nd floor training room on Wednesday, December 10th from 11:30am – 2pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to both show and sell your crafts and meet your colleagues! To participate, please RSVP to ————- by Monday, December 1st and indicate the craft you would like to sell. (The Holiday Craft Fair is only open to HFM employees. Space is limited and is on a first come, first served basis.)