Remember that column in the Murfreesboro (Tennessee) Post last week, in which the columnist rewrote the Jeffersons theme song for the Obama election? If you're a true music fan, you may recall the killer lyric, "Well we’re movin’ on up, To Washington, D.C. To a deee-luxe pimp pad, Painted whiiiite." Yes. Well that columnist is also, fittingly, a principal at one of the town's fine schools. And he's very sorry:

"Although my hobby as a columnist is not connected directly to my position as principal I should have known better than to attempt to find humor in a subject so sensitive to so many," Lewis wrote in an e-mail letter to parents obtained by The Daily News Journal through an open records request. "With all of that being said, I truly apologize to those of you who were offended by my comments."

To those of you who were not offended, sing along: "Yeah we’re movin’ on up, To the White House. I’ll be jetting with P. Diddy cross the sky." Har. [Tennessean. To Murfreesboro's credit, pretty much everybody there seemed embarrassed.]