Back at the start of 2006, Gawker ran one of those classic shock-starlet items that just tends to stick with you: Lindsay Lohan and new best friend Kate Moss, doing their part to prop up the Colombian economy, stumbled into a New York bar bathroom, whereupon Lohan reportedly asked if anyone had a Sharpie. Someone did. She then wrote something not very nice about Scarlett Johansson, which, according to photographic evidence, went something like, "Scarlett is a bloody cunt / L / Peace and love / [illegible] / fucker." Almost three years later, Scarlett was asked to address the vulgar communiqué in an interview with Allure

"I really don't know that person. I only met her, like three times in my life," Of that incident, Scarlett says, "That's what I heard. I don't know what the motivation was behind that. I remember it was something really vulgar—I mean, shockingly so, like 'Whoa, what, who are you?'"

Of course, Scarlett knows exactly who that person is, and could probably even hazard a guess at her motives: At the time of the snort-by C-wording, Johansson was coming off Woody Allen's well-received Match Point, and had several prestige projects in the pipeline. Lohan, meanwhile, was waiting out the long dry spell between her dehydration-plagued work in Herbie Fully Loaded and Just My Luck—a career drought interrupted briefly with her supporting-yodeler turn in A Prairie Home Companion. That bloody cunt was stealing her career! Oh well—[illegible]. Fucker.