We were hoping for an epic pratfall from Page Six mag's newest columnist Liam, 20-year-old stoner son of society photog Patrick McMullan—who replaced dimwitted model/publishing heiress Lydia Hearst after she quit in a backstage drama. Sadly (for us), young Liam's "Scenester Diaries" are slightly more coherent than Lydia's, despite his daily weed intake. He's even a little funn! ("If Obama had the audacity of hope, I don't see why I shouldn't.") Young Liam also managed to get in a classic dig at Alec Baldwin, which is always appreciated:

"I once heard Alec Baldwin leave a message on my mom's answering machine. Relax—they're friends. All it said was, "Hey Laurie. This is Alec. I'll pay you back that $20 I owe you." So it was nice to finally meet him at this ArtWalk benefit."

Well-played, sir, well-played.