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Things aren't exactly looking up for Gov. David Paterson. Over the weekend, the Post reported that a state trooper discovered Paterson "snuggling" with a woman in a utility closet at the governor's mansion a couple of months ago. ("The trooper opened the door and the first thing he saw was the governor and a woman inside and the two of them snuggling together, embracing. There was nothing more than that, snuggling, and they had their clothes on.") Today comes word that Paterson only has $620,000 remaining in his campaign coffers, which is about 20 times less than what his presumed opponent, Andrew Cuomo, has amassed in contributions thus far. Don't count Paterson out just yet, though. He huddled with some of his supporters yesterday to hash out his "winning strategy" against Cuomo, so expect Paterson to turn everything around over the next few weeks. [NYP, NYDN]