Everyone thought that yesterday's secret tween heroin junkie was Gossip Girl's Taylor Momsen. I think this is sad, but according to her makeup, it is also true. Today we have an actor who almost lost his house, a blind item about Beyonce Knowles, fake celebrity friends, and a secretly canceled show. 1) "It seems as if the housing crisis has hit just about everyone, even celebrities. This recently divorced B list actor on a hit network show lost most of his money in his divorce. After the divorce he bought a new place which he could barely afford even with his salary. Being single and available he was spending every night out and not saving a penny. When the writer strike came along he didn't have any money at all and all of the furniture he had been leasing was taken from him. He was living in a 5,000 square foot house with a tv and a chair. When his castmates heard about his plight and that his house was going to be foreclosed they took up a collection and raised enough to pay his mortgage for the next year. Fell good story huh? It is until you realize that he has been spending all their kindness money on trips to Vegas and going out, and just thinking that his next payday is right around the corner. We'll see." [CDaN] 2) "This Superstar Singer is on a roll. She has a big movie coming out and a hot new album. Despite her media hoopla, a lot of people are surprised that she did not offer condolences to a former co-star who has suffered a major tragedy." [BlindGossip] 3) "Which celebrity had more than her tummy tucked after having a baby? She also had a brow lift, an eye lift, some botox in the forehead, and some collagen in the lips. It's not a dramatic change, but when you see her, your first thought will be that she looks somehow, umm…different. She had such an interesting, distinct look before the surgery. Now she just looks generic." [BlindGossip] 4) "Girl 1 and Girl 2 have been friends for a long time. Girl 1 is clearly the more well-known and high profile of the two. While both have had their share of man troubles, Girl 1 has had extra press scrutiny in the past year based on some revelations about the demise of her relationship. Girl 2 has always been a good and supportive friend, and has always backed her pal both privately and publicly. Unfortunately, Girl 1 is not at all happy about the latter. In fact, she just told Girl 2 to "Shut the f*** up" and let her handle her own business with the press." [BlindGossip] 5) "Which TV drama series is going to go off the air without wrapping storylines or telling the viewers? The network is pretending that everything is fine. The stars continue to smile, and the network continues to promote the show. However, the schedule has been shuffled and show's writers have been told to clear out their offices." [BlindGossip]