Hey guys! So, we're starting this rumor that, uh... Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (yes, the dreamy president of Iran, who else?) is going to be making a, uh, sweeps-week cameo on, well, let's say Private Practice because why not? What's that? We sound a little unconvincing? Well, congratulations, you just beat out the rumor-sniffing skills of the crack team over at Page Six! Let's take a look at this similar, outlandishly wrong rumor they ran today about Sarah Palin, shall we:

IS Alaska's Gov. Sarah Palin headed to "Desperate Housewives"? Series creator Marc Cherry is "very hot to trot to have her appear on the season-five finale," Hollywood p.r. man Hal Lifson, who's not involved with the show, told us. "Marc is highly enamored of Sarah and sees her as the ultimate guest star [playing] a similar version of herself. The idea has gone over surprisingly well with execs at Disney, who see it as a blockbuster based on Sarah's huge ratings on 'Saturday Night Live.' " Cherry declined to comment. An ABC rep said, "There's no truth to it."

And who is this "Hollywood p.r. man Hal Lifson, who's not involved with the show"? Well, as near as we can tell from his website, he represents exactly three things: a Palm Springs hotel, singer Doc Kupka, and a husband-and-wife pair of runners. Naturally, this qualifies him to dish inside dirt on Desperate Housewives. Oh, and coincidentally, all three of Lifson's clients boast New York Post press clippings (here, here, and here)! Wonder how that happened. Next time it is a slow news day, readers, we shall ask our friends to make up wild rumors about struggling Georgia senator Saxby Chambliss and Gossip Girl, then print them as fact. This, then, is our J-school legacy to you. [Photo Credit: AP]