The New York Times fraternity of gay political reporters is losing a member, Patrick Healy, to (where else?) the Broadway beat, Portfolio reports. Healy becomes the latest campaign reporter to get as far away from politics as possible following an election. And we now have to wonder now if he was the source of this quote in Out's unveiling of the gays covering the campaign:"'I think that the theater of politics is of real interest to political reporters,' says one of them. 'And a lot of gay reporters are theater junkies as well.'"With his November 4th campaign wrap-up, including his feud with the Hillary Clinton campaign over access, behind him, Healy follows in the footsteps of cantankerous Times reporter Frank Bruni, who went from covering the 2000 election to wild run as the paper's food critic. Healy recently reviewed the off-Broadway political play Farragut North, and he recently filed a textured, measure report about the rape scene in the Soho Rep production of Blasted. Our favorite moment from the Broadway-bound journalist was when he was recently asked, "Do you miss covering the Clinton presidential campaign?" He responded, "LOL." Jump From Political Beat [Portfolio]