Dead Woman Outside Paula Abdul's House Not Paula Abdul

A bizarre discovery turned up outside America Idol tastemaker Paula Abdul's home last night: a dead body propped over in a car. Even more confusing was that the body belonged not to the klonopin chip brownie-loving singer/choreographer/karoake-feedback-deliverer herself, but rather a rabid Abdul fan, whose car bore a vanity license plate reading "ABL LV," ("4VR URGL" had already been taken) and Paula-scented air-fresheners dangling from the rear-view mirror. More details follow after the jump:
A 30-year-old woman was found dead in a parked car in the Sherman Oaks, Calif. community the “American Idol” judge reportedly resides in. The woman was found sometime after 6PM on Tuesday after the Los Angeles Police Department received a tip from a neighboring agency, according to LAPD spokesperson Officer Karen Smith. “Our Van Nuys division did receive a call from the Ventura County’s Sheriff. A woman’s parents reported her missing and they thought that she may be at Paula Abdul’s house,” Smith told Access. The parents of the woman reportedly believed their daughter was nearby Abdul’s home as she was reportedly “a big fan” of the “Idol” judge, Officer Smith told Access.
We'll wait until the coroner releases his findings before assuming the worst: That an Idol-Judge Fan Killer is running amuck in our area, and that Randy Jackson will soon find a similarly gruesome delivery on his own doorstep, a notecard tucked between the lips of the victim in a "Dawgpound Recruit - Whoo! Whoo!" sweartshirt reading, "Pitchy."