Love Your Life? Lose Your Job

This round of layoff tales are dedicated to those fired from Wired, Time Inc.'s European contingent, and Michigan's autoworker retirees who have just had their promised lifetime healthcare stolen. Has Twittering your after-work activities like museums and park strollers instigated jealousy amongst higher-ups? Are you the only one left in your family with a job—only to be laid-off? Have you quit and tried to get your job back? Read on. (And send your stories to for Twittering Enjoyable Life:
It's been almost two months since I went through "the talk." I worked in PR, and several times each week I would work 2 hours extra for no additional compensation; I considered it investing in future raises and perks. One month before I was sacked, I received the promised raise amid a deluge of praise from my boss. Of course that little extra cash went straight to the student loan monster I've been battling for years.
And so when the Friday evening came when I was quietly told (by an embarrassed HR person) to pack up and leave without severance, I was relieved beyond belief. Since that day, I've hit the parks, museum exhibits and cafes, stealing them back bit by bit from the tourists.
So why was I canned? Well, aside from the fact that the company is headed majorly downhill, I came to find out that they decided I'd be a prime candidate to let go because they had been following my Twitter (which I hardly even used) and were jealous of the free time I didn't donate to working even more extra hours. Now all I have is delicious free time far away from them.
"I Was the Last One in My Family With a Job:
Three months ago, I turned down 5 job offers to work for a friend's internet company. I wasn't going to take it, but they kept offering me more money, so I caved to my capitalist side. As recently as two days ago, we had a company meeting assuring us no one would be laid off, and not to worry about job security.
Imagine my surprise when this morning, while taking a nap after I worked an all-nighter to finish a major database cleanup, my boss called me up to let me know they were making cuts, and I was one of them. I'm getting one more paycheck, and the health insurance I'd finally earned YESTERDAY would be cut off immediately. They waited until I had clocked another 85 hour week fixing their database nightmare to do it.
Best part? I was the last one in my family with a job. My 2 sisters, mother, and father are all unemployed after being laid off. Five college graduates, two with master's degrees, and none of us can find steady work.
Actually, the best part is that when I told my best friend that I'd given up other great jobs only to be laid off so soon, he said, "HA! You pulled a Moe. You have to send this to Gawker."
Well, thanks! But sorry about your firing... Pulling a George Costanza:
I work at a small newspaper in Connecticut, which has recently been hemmorhaging employees. Nearly half a dozen staff writers have left so far, under their own volition, until today. We just laid off two writers and a photographer.
Just earlier this week, one reporter who resigned shortly before this, asked to rescind his resignation. He was told his job doesn't exist anymore.