Last week, addled ghost flapper Courtney Love celebrated the elections the best way she knew how: with a confused blog entry indicating she mistakenly voted "yes" on the anti-gay Proposition 8. Not one to let Drew Barrymore and James Franco hog all the credit, Love has now posted a series of blog updates meant to rectify the matter:

prop 8 Current mood: apoplectic oh you pretty things! i voted NO against prop 8 !!!! the kids outside were there to clarify that the language was indeed confusing, and so by the way it was, i think its possible alot of people voting YES on prop 8 thought they were voting AGAINST it I AM NOT ONE OF THEM and oer the Huffington Post ARianna knows me, she knows i am an intelligent and refined woman as anyone who knows me knows, stop leaning on 1 my shitty grammatical errors and spelling when i blog

clarity Current mood: anal plug i voted AGAINST proposition 8. i want there to be gay marriage rights passionately. clear? shall i dress up a giant butt plug and march ? cos if i have time i dammed well will.

Uh, no need, Court! All is forgiven! Truly, who could ever have believed that a woman with such an obvious, enviable grasp of the English language could be fooled by some vague wording into voting incorrectly? We were wrong to doubt you, Courtney; just save your inappropriate dress-up for Frances Bean's psyche-scarring sweet seventeen, OK? [Photo Credit: X17]