How Dare You Insinuate That Lindsay Lohan is a Lesbian?!

Lindsay Lohan's career path may be studded with recent missteps (Labor Pains and a stint on Ugly Betty cut short with just one majestic eye-roll from America Ferrera, to name a few), but if there's one thing that actually seems to be going well in Lohan's life, it's that whole "dating Samantha Ronson" thing. Not only did it appear to inspire near-sobriety and some cogent blog posts, but it also repelled sleaze-meister Joe Francis, breaking him of his addiction to girl-on-girl action forever. So, how has Lohan shown Ronson her thanks? With a couple of cagey disavowals in the new issue of Harper's Bazaar, of course:
A coy Lindsay Lohan insists that she isn't a lesbian and barely cops to being bisexual - but admits that she's dating a "wonderful" woman with whom she's madly in love, according to a new interview with the starlet. "I think it's pretty obvious who I'm seeing," Lohan told Harper's Bazaar magazine. Nonetheless, she pointedly refused to name her lady love, LA DJ Samantha Ronson. When asked if she considered herself a bisexual, Lohan answered, "Maybe. Yeah." But she was adamant that she wasn't a lesbian, giving an emphatic, "No," when asked.
All right, Linds — despite the fact that most people would be better off disavowing beaus like Wilmer Valderrama and Calum Best, we'll give you the "bisexual" bit. But, really? You're still not going to confirm that you're seeing Ronson, despite, y'know, having fessed up to it already? Visibility matters, Linds: just think of all the confused boys and girls out there who need to know that someday, it will be OK to be thrice-rehabbed, unemployable, and (oh yeah) bisexual. Do it for them!