The Cappellis Find a Buyer for Park Ave Duplex

• Louis Cappelli, the rather colorful real estate developer who's been called "the Donald Trump of Westchester," has found a buyer for the 13-room duplex at 515 Park Avenue he owns with his second wife, bit actress Kylie Travis. The 6,500-square-foot, six-bedroom spread on the building's 27th and 28th floors, which the couple bought for $15 million in 2002, was listed for $29.5 million when it went into contract last week. [Cityfile, BHS]
• Japanese filmmaker Keiko Ibi has gone into contract to sell her 7th-floor condo at 15 CPW. The one-bedroom pad, which Ibi listed for $3.75 million in June, had been most recently listed for $3.485 million. [Cityfile, BHS]
• Clifford Brokaw, a Goldman Sachs alum and now a managing director at Corsair Capital, has paid $2.9 million for a third-floor apartment at 907 Fifth Avenue. Brokaw and his wife Lea Carpenter scored a deal, too. The one-bedroom pad went on the market for $4.4 million in May 2008. [Cityfile]