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Considering Mayor Bloomberg won a third term in office by such a slim margin, perhaps it's time for New York's dictator-in-chief to show off a less arrogant, more humble side? That's what some people are suggesting, such as Lauren Solomon, the president emeritus of the Association of Image Consultants International:

He could, for one thing, toy with a little stubble or a beard, just for the fun of it. He could also undergo a wardrobe makeover. Mr. Bloomberg, she said, generally dresses a little too formally, in his New England preppy uniform of khakis, loafers and buttoned-down Oxford shirts, even on weekends. She suggested a cashmere sweater, jeans and driving moccasins. "That way, people can say, 'Hey, he changed out of that suit and tie to come and talk to us, and he's comfortable and he's casual, and I can feel comfortable and casual.'" Ms. Solomon said.

Be careful what you wish for, ladies and gentlemen.

Bloomberg? Humble? Experts Have Some Advice [NYT]