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Looking for a job on Wall Street? Great news! Two weeks after JPMorgan revealed plans to hire an additional 1,000 brokers (a move that was quickly followed by the announcement that JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon's dad was joining his son's firm) comes word that the bank is going on another hiring binge.

This morning the bank said that it plans to add another 1,200 loan officers to its payroll. Even better: New recruits won't have to worry about any annoying salary freezes. Yesterday the bank said it would lift those caps, at least for employees who earn $60,000 or more a year. Those who make less than that such as maintenance workers, security guards, and entry-level secretaries? They'll have to settle for a one-time "award" of $500. But, hey, that's $500 more than what Dimon himself collected as a bonus for 2008, so how could anyone possibly complain?

J.P. Morgan Chase to hire 1,200 loan officers [MW]
Wage Freeze Is Lifted for Some at J.P. Morgan [WSJ]