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The city's Department of Education wants kids to eat healthier meals. As part of her Yum-o! foundation, Rachael Ray has been looking for ways to "give back." Yesterday the two came together when Ray appeared at a press conference at PS 89 in Tribeca to unveil the "sizzling soft tacos" that the school system is force-feeding to some 600,000 kids this week. Unfortunately, however, the PR spectacle didn't go off as planned.

A cockroach made an appearance as well, "marching across a countertop a few feet from where Ray was touting the benefits of good food." Ray's publicist quickly disposed of the roach and Ray says she never even saw it, but leave it to the politician in the group to take charge of the situation. When a Daily News reporter approached Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and asked her about school cleanliness, she said, "You have to talk to the Department of Ed about that."

Sixth-graders give dining diva's lunch menu passing marks [NYDN]