Guinness Confirms 'Yes On 8' Skywriting Campaign Is Biggest Hate Message On Earth

A reader sent Towleroad this snapshot of the sky above Warner Bros. in Burbank, probably the largest and most nausea-inducing "Yes on 8" sign yet erected in the ongoing, Mormon-underwritten campaign to strip gay Californians of their Constitutional right to marry. Luckily, God got one look at the message and blew it away:
"Just now, leaving work at Warner Brothers in Burbank, CA, I was horrified to see a plane scarring the sky with a 'vote yes on prop 8' message, prefaced with something about traditional marriage that was already illegible.
It's a breezy day out here, so the message was hardly readable for more than a minute or so. Let's hope the proposition doesn't even last that long tomorrow morning."
We're hearing reports of similar messages appearing in the skies above the Westside, too. As a counterpoint, we offer some blurry footage taken by Defamer video editrix emeritus Molly McAleer of Zooey Deschanel urging concertgoers to vote No On 8.
If you're still feeling helpless after watching that and want to actively contribute, the No On Prop 8 campaign is accepting last-minute donations that will "fund one million last-minute phone calls to pre-identified No on Prop 8 voters." Give for what's right!