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The CW is moving ahead with its reality show about Tinsley Mortimer, The Hollywood Reporter reports today. (The network has ordered eight half-hour episodes of the show that will "explore the lives of the young and wealthy.") When Douglas Marshall caught up with The Tinz earlier this week, she didn't want to talk about the production crew following her every move. In fact, she really didn't want to talk to us at all, since our coverage of her in the past hasn't always been entirely flattering. Once we assured her that we wouldn't ask her any personal questions, she graciously agreed to give us thirty seconds of her time. We made the most of it.

Q: So I see you have some cameras following you. Are you doing a reality show?

TM: No comment. I'd really rather not talk about that

Q: What should we talk about? What have you been up to recently?

TM: I just got back from London Fashion week and after this event I have a Dior Beauty Event because I am a Dior Beauty Ambassador. I've been working on my handbag line with Samantha Thavasa. And I have my clothing line, too.

Q: You're really busy! You look very well rested for someone who has as much going on as you do.

TM: Really? Thanks.

Q: How do you do it? How does Tinsley deal with the pressure?

TM: Makeup. I'm wearing a lot of makeup.

Previous Q&As [Cityfile]