Violent Racists, Reverend Wright Make Late Campaign Cameos

Ye gods, somehow it will only get worse from here. In Des Moines, as Sarah Palin spun a wonderful science fiction tale about the terrible post-apocalyptic Red Dawn communist future Barack Obama has in store for us, a rally-goer seemed to shout a racial slur. (It sure sounds like "he's a nigger," to us, at about 30 seconds in.) Meanwhile, the ATF says it's uncovered a plot by two neo-Nazis to rob gun stores and shoot 100 black people. Also part of their plan? An almost comical "assassination" of Barack Obama:
In separate interviews with investigators, the men said that they planned to speed their vehicle toward Obama while "shooting at him from the windows." Apparently befitting the historic assault, Cowart and Schlesselman "stated they would dress in all white tuxedos and wear top hats during the assassination attempt."
Yes, well, the feds are taking it seriously. Meanwhile! A shadowy conservative PAC bought $2.5 million of airtime in Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania to air this ad: