">Hollywood PrivacyWatch Two-For-One! 10/26/08 — A friend and I stopped by Hugo's in West Hollywood for a late lunch. As we were walking through the patio toward our table, we passed a very familiar looking blond woman. We got to our table, and I excused myself to go to the ladies' [room]. My friend said "On your way back, could you check to see if that blond woman is SHARON STONE?"Sure enough, it was Sharon having a leisurely lunch with a friend. Sharon looked fresh faced and relaxed. She's very pretty in person. My friend and I ate our lunch, asked for the check, and sat for a bit longer to chat. I looked up and who should I see walking around the corner but ELLEN PAGE looking hipster-y in a black and white checkered scarf, t-shirt and skinny jeans. She was with a waif-ish dude who was wearing Risky Business sunglasses. They were moving fast toward the parking lot behind Hugo's. Ellen looked a little tired. Maybe she was heading home for a nap? Two great sightings in one meal, and all we had to do was sit there! Sharon was still lunching when we left. [Hollywood PrivacyWatch is written by and for Defamer readers; send your sightings to tips@defamer.com.]